Workshop Dramaturgien der Dekolinialität

Group of people in costumes behind a case

Workshop Dramaturgien der Dekolinialität Basa- Museum Bonner Amerikas-Sammlung Workshop facilitators: Adriana Schneider and Thiago Rosa Bonn 2019 In the workshop of Adriana Schneider Alcure and Thiago Rosa (Coletivo Bonobando /Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) performances and scenic dramaturgies will be developedtogether. The focus will be on the physical experience of urban space. Especiallyindividual life stories and […]

The Glass is Full

Thiago fills a glass with water

The Glass is Full Concept and performance: Thiago Rosa and Christina Galli Berlin 2019 “The glass is full” is a performance, caberet, dance-theater created by ChristinaGabriela Galli and Thiago Rosa. Skin color, social class, life experience are points ofconflict or integration? “The glass is full” is a permanent scenic research about class,race, gender, points of […]


Thiago touches his face

ERASED Concept and performance: Thiago Rosa Berlin 2018 Stories not yet told or heard by few people. How the trace of memories of myancestors resonates in my body, in my movement. It is a constant search in thearchives of memory.I touch myself in order to read the older stories. Back to all performances